ENVOY Portal is a web app created and owned by PT. Indo Digital Aset (PT. IDA). ENVOY Portal name and log is a registered trademark, also owned by PT. IDA.
Every Games shown within this website and the web app are belong to their respective companies/owners, ENVOY Portal only providing 3rd Party Service for their users. Images are taken from public domains to illustrate the games and possible activities.
PT. Indo Digital Aset is a registered company in Republic of Indonesia.
HO Address: APL Tower - Central Park, Lantai 19 Unit T7, J
Tanjung Duren Selatan, Grogol Petamburan Kota ADM, Jakarta Barat DKI Jakarta
Phone: (021) - 31997322 ext 147
Images: Vectors via Freepik
Feature icons: "Webicons" created by Vlad Cristea, obtained via www.graphicdelivery.com/webicons